Toddler Mom Support Group

Toddlers are . . . a lot.

They are beyond cute but wow are they challenging some (most) days. The whirlwind of physical and emotional changes, increasing ability to communicate their needs (yet somehow still get upset when you give them exactly what they asked for, or just laugh in your face), influx of intense emotions, and yet little control over their environment… it’s a lot for them! And therefore you! This group is tailored specifically to toddler moms - we see you and are here to make you feel a little less alone during this season.

What to expect:

Frequency: Every other week

Duration: 6 weeks

Location: Virtual

Topics include:

  • Toddler milestones + behaviors

  • Sleep patterns + changes

  • A safe space to ask questions (even if it’s just “wtf is happening?!”)

  • … and many more topics!

Price: $249